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Sunday, January 31, 2010

Due Yesterday... Still Preggers

I was due on January 30th to have my second son. Evidently noone told him that he cannot live in Mommy forever. I know it's cozy comfy in there, but it's just not working for me anymore. I am ready to meet the little fellow.

I have been creating like crazy. My latest endeavor is a possible HUGE account in New Jersey for some nurses in a home health care group. There are 160 of them and yearly they get a "take care of yourself" gift from their bosses. I am hoping that my "flutter scrubbers" and "soapies" are chosen. I also got a really huge hit on my favorite local all natural soap. The creators say that they would have no problem making it in sample sized portions just for me. whoo hoo. what a hit!!! So if I get this huge account in NJ I will be as busy as my fingers can be for about 3 months. This will also mean that I won't have to go back to work full time. I will only have to go back about 2 days simply out of obligation to my family and our Coffee Shoppe.

Wish me luck my friends.


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