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Wednesday, January 6, 2010


What better way to continue to be a good mom than to create a stay at home business? I can sit with my kids while they play and create cool stuff all day. There is no other way in my view. I want to raise my boys, not let a day care raise my boys. I want gentle children who are moral and obedient. I hope my friends and family and new friends to come will support my efforts. All while creating this blog I can hear Ryne back in his room playing "choo choo". This is his favorite thing in the whole world. Everything is choo choo. What joy he has brought to my life. Charlie is still in my belly, but we will get to meet him in just a couple of weeks. I can't wait. Ryne is looking so forward to being a 'big bubba'. I think he's gonna do a great job.
Much love for now.


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